Tuesday, June 4, 2013

My Green Thumb & A Giveaway

I am so excited about how well my garden is doing!  I can't believe I actually grew things from seeds.  I've done flowers before, but never food.  Growing food was always a scary thing for me; what if I spent time and money for something that doesn't grow?  Well, it's not the seeds that don't grow it's the humans that don't care of them, so I've discovered.  My garden might as well be my second child, so I think I'm doing an okay job. Wanna see?

 It's 4 feet wide and 8 feet long. The left side has 2 summer squash plants and tomatoes.  I'm going to move the 2 tomato plants to larger pots and replace them with spinach.
The randomly placed tomatoes was a last minute effort to save the plants, which worked, but they are very out of place here.  As I said a few lines ago, I'm thinking of replacing them with 2 spinach plants and some leeks.  I'll probably add another piece of wood to section it off like I did the squash.. Any thoughts or tips?
The left side of my garden has yellow & red pear tomatoes, a mix of hot peppers, and kaleidoscope carrots. I can't wait to try the carrots, hopefully there is a good mixture of colors in the ones I planted.

<-- Those are kaleidoscope carrots. Don't they look delicious?
I have tomatoes, peppers, & bean bushes in containers throughout my yard, too; however they are being saved for another day's post. If you have any gardening tips please share them in the comments section. I'm fairly new at this, so the more I know the better.


Now, how about a giveaway?  To help me keep up with my promise in yesterday's post I'll be giving away 3 sponsor ad-spaces.  Sponsors keep me motivated, so I'd like to show my gratitude to all of my past, present, and future sponsors :)
The Prizes:


  1. YAY! For gardening, I love having a garden. Nothing better than fresh fruit/veggies!

  2. just started a new blog. JUST! would use it for that :)

  3. Congrats on your garden!!!! I cant grow ANYTHING! Whatever I try to grow either dies from not enough water or dies from being drowned!
