Thursday, February 28, 2013

February has come to an end..

I started February as a (kind of fun-ish) mother living with my (can't find himself) boyfriend of almost 4 years, whom I did not consider my boyfriend. Not because I hated him, I love him very much, but, because he's not my JoeJoe, my rock that I thought would never disintegrate; my everything had become lost. I lost myself, too. So, I decided to get my happy back, our (coupled) relationship ended well, surprisingly. We are in a fairly good place, with each other, at the moment. Isn't March the one that comes in like a lion and out like a lamb? Well, if that's right, it's fitting. I'm a Leo and I look like a lion (thanks to my insane lion mane hair), so it works right? I think it's a good sign. I think this is my month to gain myself back. 
I'm finding myself actually thinking of interesting things to write about again and I've gained a ridiculous amount of new followers, lots of thanks goes to Angie for that, so I will not let anyone down, in this arena. I just need to get that last little bit of motivation thrown at me, which I'm sure will come once my blog is completely revamped (again, thanks to Angie!)..


February has brought on a lot of new things and changes for not just me, but my blog as well. This was my first month trying out sponsors and I think it went fairly well! Since it's the last day of the month I'm going to introduce my February sponsors one last time...

Jessica is the owner, designer, and maker of Custom Children's Art over at
She offers custom paintings for bedrooms and nurseries and custom painted shoes.
I cannot get over how wonderful her work is, especially the Star Wars shoes!

The name on the tree can be personalized<3

Shane, over at, writes all about decadent desserts and wonderful creations using cakes, cupcakes, and more! Don't get me wrong, she isn't just the "normal" pink icing and silver sprinkles on cupcakes girl, she's an awesome Grumpy Cat cake kind of girl.
Look at this!
It's amazing.
 Not only does she offer cool, unique designs but, she also provides great reviews on baking products and ingredients. Her most recent review can be found here.

If you're a giveaway fanatic then Beth's blog, Winning For Christmas, is for you! When visiting her blog you will find a comprehensive list of live giveaways from all over the internet.
Right now she is featuring a Samsung Chromebook 3G Giveaway and a $1000 PayPal Giveaway!

Thank You to my dear February sponsors<3

Want to know who won mine and Shane's Ad-Spot Giveaways?

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